North Clay Sets Date for 20-21 School Registration
Published on April 16 2020 10:49 am
Last Updated on April 16 2020 10:49 am
Written by Greg Sapp
North Clay school board members Wednesday set the date for registration for the 2020-2021 school year.
Registration will take place on August 4, from 10am to 6pm.
The Board accepted the resignation of high school custodian Larry Milner due to retirement at the end of the current school year. Also accepted was the resignation of Rendell Flood as junior high assistant baseball coach. The Board re-hired all non-certified staff members for the coming school year, and hired Rase Collins as high school science and biolog teacher for the coming year.
Board members voted to renew membership in the Illinois Elementary School Association for next year; approved student handbook changes; and approved the school calendar for the coming year.
The Board heard that homework in the junior high and high school is being assigned through the district's Google Classroom platform. Teachers have used the Google Meets platform for video conferencing calls. The platform allows teachers and students to interact in real time. Board members also heard about distribution of student learning information, lunches for students, IEP meetings, and virtual faculty meetings.