Plan Commission Approves Site Plans for Two Economic Development Projects
Published on April 14 2020 6:28 pm
Last Updated on April 15 2020 6:36 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Effingham City Plan Commission Tuesday gave approval to site plans for two economic development projects.
One plan was for I-70 Truck Center, currently located on East Rickelman Avenue. The business is planning to relocate to 2710 North 3rd Street, or North US 45, next door to B&L Machine.
The 6.23 acre tract will house a 29,100 square foot single story building.
The other site plan is for Hetzel's Overland Transport, to be located at 304 West Airport Road. The new location is next to the Genaust property. The site will contain a 16,448 square foot office and warehouse building as well as another 50,000 square foot warehouse building.
The meeting was conducted by Zoom with City Planner Greg Koester at City Hall and the others involved meeting remotely.
Two subdivision plats and two public hearings for rezonings were postponed to the Commission's May 12 meeting due to social distancing concerns.