2020 DAR Good Citizens Honored
Published on April 14 2020 10:09 am
Last Updated on April 14 2020 10:11 am
Ann Crooker St. Clair Chapter NSDAR recently honored seven area seniors that were chosen as the DAR Good Citizens winners from their respective schools. These students were picked out of their senior class by school faculty. They were chosen not only for their academic achievements but also for their volunteerism and community involvement. Qualities such as dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism are also criteria that is looked at for each student. The students were honored with certificates and pins from the chapter. The Good Citizens awards were purchased with a generous donation from chapter member Sheila Sipes in honor of her late grandson.
Adam P. Alexander from Altamont High School is the son of Tamara Curtner. Adam plays the clarinet, saxophone, violin, ukulele, and drums. Adam is very active in band, as a leader and drum major, chorus, and theatre. He plans on attending Kaskaskia College for two years then transfer to a 4-year university to become a music educator to teach those about the passion of music and how it can affect the way children grow.
Audra S. Doedtman attends Beecher City High School and is the daughter of David & Vanessa Doedtman. Audra is very active in school and the community. She is a member of CEO (elected Chief Finance Officer of her class), FBLA, Drama Club, History Club, FSA, FFA, scholar bowl, Senior Class President, volunteers at Faith Lutheran Church, Ballard Nature Center, and other organizations in the community, and still finds time to work at the First State Bank of Beecher City. She plans on attending Indiana State University getting a bachelor’s degree in financial services with a concentration in financial planning and becoming a Certified Financial Planner.
MacKenzie F. Blackerby attends Cowden-Herrick High School and is the daughter of Kyle and Heather Blackerby. MacKenzie is very active at school as a Cheerleader, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Science Club, Student Council, Yearbook. She also volunteers in the nursey at her local church. MacKenzie is currently mentoring a young girl from a very dysfunctional home. She is already enrolled in a school of modeling and acting in St. Louis, MO, and in June will be traveling to Los Angeles to build her career. She also plans on getting a degree in business.
Will J. Thoele is from Dieterich High School and is the son of Anthony and Susan Thoele. Some of his many activities include Scholar Bowl (Captain this year), Spanish club, WYSE, Choir, AV club (President this year), Drama/Tech club, and CEO. His plans after high school is to attend Lakeland College for two years before transferring to a University, possibly in Europe, to study History or Philosophy/Theology.
Camryn Crowell is from Effingham High School and the daughter of Jeff & Lisa Crowell. She is ranked first in her class. Camryn has been very active in school and the community, such as taking part in Spanish Club, Student Council, Art Club, Math Club, basketball, National Honor Society, Academic Hall of Fame, Marketing Officer for Effingham CEO Class, volunteering in her church’s youth ministry, Crisis Nursery, Blessings in a Backpack, Salvation Army bell ringer, doing annual summer mission trips, and participating in various service opportunities for the National Honor Society. Camryn plans to attend the University of Illinois with a major in Media and Cinema Studies and a minor in Communications. With this degree she wants too pursue a career in graphic design or become a media communications director.
Martina C. Gratz, from Stewardson-Strasburg High School, is the daughter of James Gratz and Rachel Gratz. Her school activities include Spanish Club, Business Club, National Honor Society, Drama Club, FBLA, WYSE Club, LEO Club, Scholastic Bowl, and Volleyball. She volunteers in her community by planting trees, working with the blind, Christmas Caroling, a member of her church LYF youth group, and helping the local 4-H shooting club (has shot competitively for the last 6 years) to promote and teach gun safety. She is the back-to-back Illinois State Champion for Air Rifle and .22 (Smallbore) and has secured her spot at two different USA Work Cup Teams for Smallbore. Her college plans are to attend West Virginia or Ole Miss and major in Business and may get a degree in Accounting. She wants to join the College Rifle Team for NCAA Division 1, and then may move to Colorado Springs to become a Resident Athlete at the Olympic Training Center.
Nicholas Max Tensen VII attends Teutopolis High School and is the son of Nick & Kathy Tensen. His high school activities include Student Council, Robotics Club, Band (plays trombone & guitar), Drama Club, Art Club, Spanish Club, Scholar Bowl, WYSE, and National Honor Society. He volunteers through scouting, working at community breakfasts, and on mission trips. He has also worked at Wessel’s as a stockman. Nicholas has won many awards in the fields of math, physics and science at Regionals and Sectionals. He is hoping to University of Illinois and become an aerospace engineer.