Dieterich Board Looking for June Bid Letting on Downtown Improvements
Published on April 9 2020 11:09 am
Last Updated on April 9 2020 11:09 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Dieterich village board members this week learned that a state bid letting should take place in June on the village's downtown improvement project.
Work is planned regarding street lighting and other improvements on Pine Street, Church Street, Park Street and a portion of Section Street, as well as a pickup and dropoff area in front of the school complex.
The Board also amended one item in the village's personnel policies and procedures. The change concerns the village's reimbursement to workers for health insurance. The change now reflects the reimbursement for family coverage as well as individual coverage, although there is no change in the amount the employee is reimbursed by the Village.
The Board also hired Levi Slifer and Maverick Ruholl as seasonal temporary employees this summer.