Siemer Milling Endowment Benefits Camp New Hope
Published on April 9 2020 10:53 am
Last Updated on April 9 2020 10:53 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation has announced the Siemer Milling Endowment for Youth Leadership Development has granted $8,630 to Camp New Hope in Neoga.
Pictured (L-R) Daphne Gullett (Siemer Milling), Henry Siemer (Siemer Milling), Katie Siemer (Siemer Milling), Taneya Higginbotham (Director, Camp New Hope,) Jamie Bryant (Respite and Retreat Director, Camp New Hope), Amanda Rieman (Siemer Milling), Terri Crum (Program Director, Camp New Hope), and Diane Siemer (Siemer Milling)
The grant funds will provide support for Camp New Hope’s youth leaders (counselors) to go through the Leader In Me training. This training will help the camp’s youth leaders build good negotiation skills, communication, better socialization, become goal-driven, find good values, think outside-the-box, be open minded to the ideas of others, enhance motivation and find a healthy culture that fosters leadership. More effective leaders will ensure that Camp New Hope is providing the highest quality programming and support for families and individuals with disabilities.
The mission of Camp New Hope is to provide affordable quality programs, exceptional service in a caring environment, and new hope for people who have developmental disabilities while providing parent and family support. Camp New Hope has seven weeks of residential camps and one week of day camps during June and July. In the off-season months, they provide 48-hour respite weekend camps.
The Siemer Milling Company Endowment, a fund of Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation, was established in 2006 to provide a permanent source of funding to programs in Effingham County that support the development of young leaders. Since its inception, the Siemer Milling Company Endowment has contributed more than $200,000 to nonprofit organizations serving Effingham County.
For more information on grant opportunities through Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation, please contact Maggie Meylor, Grants Administrator at 217-342-5413 or For more information on Camp New Hope, please contact Taneya Higginbotham at 217-895-2341 or