County Board to Hold Unified Committee Meeting Monday
Published on April 9 2020 10:11 am
Last Updated on April 9 2020 10:11 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Members of the Effingham County Board will hold a United Committee meeting at 2 p.m. Monday. The meeting will be streamed live via YouTube in accordance with social distancing guidelines.
The public can watch the April 13 meeting concerning matters for the Legislative, Road & Bridge, Building & Grounds and Tax & Finance committees. Please go to the Effingham County government website,, and click on the link listed on the home page to view the meeting through YouTube.
The combined meeting of committees will concern basic government business and not issues such as the landfill, which will be tabled until the social distancing order is lifted, according to Effingham County Board Chairman Jim Niemann.
Due to the requirements of social distancing, any individuals attending the meeting will be asked to wear a face mask in the county board meeting room on the third floor of the Effingham County Office Building, located at Fourth Street and Jefferson Avenue. If you want to attend the meeting and speak on an agenda item contact Deb Ruholl at (217) 342-4990 or email her at before 1:30 p.m. Monday, April 13.
If anyone wishes to prepare a statement to address agenda or non-agenda items it can be delivered to the county board office prior to 1:30 p.m. on the day of the committee meeting. Statements will be read during the meeting. Statements for the board meeting can also be mailed to:
County Board Office
101 N. Fourth St. Suite 301
Effingham, IL 62401
Or emailed to the aforementioned county board email address.