Cross Foundation Good Friday Event is a Go, Just Different


Published on April 8 2020 3:42 pm
Last Updated on April 8 2020 3:42 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

The Cross Foundation will hold its Good Friday observance; it will just be different in this pandemic era.

The observance will be presented on Facebook Live at 7:30pm Friday. The Facebook page is "The Cross in Effingham."

Pastor Roger Marshall of First Baptist Church in Effingham, a Cross Foundation board member, will lead the prayer service. No one will be allowed into the Cross Welcome Center for the event.

Following the Facebook Live event, the Cross will glow Red to signify the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. You are invited to drive through the circle drive of the Cross to view it, but everyone is encouraged to stay in their vehicles so that there isn't a risk involved with people gathering in close proximity.

A reminder that the Cross Welcome Center remains closed during the statewide Shelter in Place order.