Two More Positive COVID-19 Cases in Shelby County
Published on April 7 2020 3:49 pm
Last Updated on April 7 2020 6:10 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Shelby County Health Department Tuesday announced two more Shelby County residents who tested positive for coronavirus disease.
One resident is a 69-year-old male and is currently self-isolating at their secondary residence, in Sangamon County. He is a direct relative of the first positive Shelby County case, which was announced on Monday.
Both individuals were tested in Sangamon County and immediately self-isolated at their secondary residence by order of their physician.
Health department officials are working to identify all close contacts with the individual, however, they believe the exposure risk of the public to be low.
Tuesday afternoon, a third positive Shelby County case was reported. The resident is a 31-year-old female and is currently self-isolating at her residence in Shelby County. The individual was tested at HSHS Good Shepherd Hospital in Shelbyville and immediately ordered to self-isolate.
Health department officials are working to identify all close contacts with the two new cases. Federal privacy restrictions prohibit the release of any additional information.