First Positive COVID-19 Case in Jasper County
Published on April 3 2020 11:37 am
Last Updated on April 3 2020 1:42 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Jasper County has experienced its first positive case of COVID-19.
The Jasper County Health Department said the Illinois Department of Public Health confirmed the first laboratory-confirmed case of the virus. The person is a male in his 50s, who the Health Department reported is doing well and is at home on isolation.
Public health officials have begun an investigation of the case and will be speaking with individuals who may have come into contact with the man before the diagnosis. Through the investigation, public health may place other individuals on home quarantine if they are determined to have had significant exposure. Such individuals may not be symptomatic but are quarantined for a period of time that allows symptoms to develop and pass without posing risk to others.
COVID-19 tests are NOT done at the Jasper County Health Department. You are again advised to wash your hands frequently, practice social distancing, disinfect commonly touched surfaces and follow the Governor's orders to shelter in place.
The Health Department also added this note: "JCHD understands there is a high demand for information. We want to provide as much information as possible, but our top priority is investigating all cases and protecting patient confidentiality. We are sharing as much information as we can as soon as we can."
For more information, visit the Jasper County Health Department Facebook page or phone the Jasper County Health Department at 618-783-4436.