Unit 40 Provides Additional Information on Learning Opportunities
Published on March 30 2020 8:38 pm
Last Updated on March 30 2020 8:54 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham Unit 40 Superintendent of Schools Mark Doan Monday announced that, in conjunction with Governor J.B. Pritzker and Illinois State Board of Education guidance, Unit 40 will utilize Tuesday, March 31 through Monday, April 6 as Remote Learning Planning Days. Remote Learning, under the new parameters, will begin Tuesday, April 7.
Doan said as the District moves forward with Remote Learning, more communication to students and parents will be coming from each school building. He said the overarching goal is to "adjust the teaching model to deliver instruction to minimize the negative educational impact of this unprecedented closure of schools."
Doan said Friday, April 3 will be the end of the third quarter. Monday, April 6 will be the start of the fourth quarter. He said the emphasis for schoolwork assigned, reviewed and completed during the Remote Learning period will be based upon learning, not on compliance. He said, "there will be no educational harm to any child and no negative impact on students."
Here is the balance of the letter from Superintendent Doan:
District will use a Pass/Incomplete system – no letter grades will be used but feedback on work will be provided. If an incomplete is given then work can be made up when the Remote Learning period ends.
Individual buildings are working to complete their plans but the District is looking at work being available at the beginning of the week and returned (digitally) by end of the week.
All students are encouraged to access information digitally. If digital access is not available, paper packets will be used.
Due to COVID-19 issues, students will be asked to send work completed by email or take a picture of the work (by phone) and email to the teacher. Instructions will be forthcoming.
Platforms to be used: Grades 4-12: Google Classroom and Zoom, Email, and phone calls Pre K-3: Bloomz, Classtag, Facebook page, Zoom, Email, and phone calls
The District is working to update internet connections so any parent/student that needs access can visit a Unit #40 school building (near the front doors). Therefore parents/students can pull up and use the internet to return work (take picture and email).
The District is looking at options to possibly place internet hubs at the Mason, Watson, and Edgewood Civic Centers for parent/student use. If/when this is operational the District will let parents/students know of this option.
The District will look at setting realistic recommendations for students on a weekly basis based upon the following considerations:
Family access, connectivity, and reliability;
Multiple students in one house with parents working from home;
The stress placed on families during this time, and
The fluidity of COVID-19 issues on society in general as well as the unprecedented rules placed on us.
At this moment, we all need to model resilience, thoughtful responsiveness, and empathy to ensure that students continue to grow personally and academically. The health and wellness of all Unit #40 students and staff is a fundamental priority. Health and safety concerns are paramount in all work that must be done in person or in a specific place. With remote learning and work schedules causing many adjustments to our families, health is an even more important foundation for both children and adults. We ask that everyone continue to follow the directives of the Governor, IDPH, and local health departments. Working and supporting each other will help us all get through this unprecedented time.
Thank you.
Mr. Mark E. Doan,
Superintendent Effingham Unit #40