Two More Positive COVID-19 Cases at Sarah Bush Lincoln
Published on March 30 2020 8:04 pm
Last Updated on March 30 2020 8:33 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center in Coles County has confirmed two more positive COVID-19 cases at the hospital.
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Systems spokesperson Patty Peterson said one case was reported over the weekend. A resident of northern Illinois was passing through the area and felt ill and went to the hospital. Peterson said the person has gone on home.
The second person is a resident of Sarah Bush's 10-county service area. The person went to Sarah Bush and a positive test was received by the hospital, according to Peterson, "very, very early this (Monday) morning". She was not certain Monday night whether the second person was admitted to the hospital.
Peterson said she could not disclose specifically where the people live, nor their ages.
This raises the number of positive COVID-19 cases at Sarah Bush to three, after a man in his 70s from Cumberland County was found to have the virus earlier this month. He went home to self-quarantine.
Peterson announced that Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center and all of the SBL clinics have a new visitor policy. The hospital is now allowing no visitors with very few exceptions. Those include a coach for a person in labor, someone to be with a person undergoing surgery, the parent or guardian of a child, or a caregiver for a developmentally disabled person or a person with dementia.