Windsor School Board Approves Bleacher Project
Published on March 27 2020 11:19 am
Last Updated on March 28 2020 7:38 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Windsor school board members have approved a bleacher replacement project.
Irwin Seating of Altamont was awarded the bid to replace the bleachers in the old gym for $54,557.26, plus $1,500 in electrical work to allow for automatic rollup and rollout of the bleachers.
The Board also allocated health/life safety money to pay for the project, and then also approved a change order with GRP Mechanical to allow for a roof replacement project on the 1963 portion of the building.
The Board approved the calendar for the coming school year with a Teacher's Institute on August 17 and the first day for students the following day, also renewed membership in the IHSA and IESA for the coming school year.
Board members renewed an intergovernmental agreement with the Stew-Stras school district for sharing a teacher. The Board also hired Albert Seletto as a custodian and hired Ali Jazmine Rodriguez as a Spanish teacher as of the start of the second semester of the coming school year. Resignations were accepted from Justin Hunt as a Grades K-12 Music teacher and from Chelsea Spinner as junior/senior high school secretary.