North Clay School Board Meets for March Session
Published on March 23 2020 10:29 am
Last Updated on March 23 2020 10:32 am
Written by Greg Sapp
North Clay school board members have voted to rehire all certified staff for the 2020-2021 school year and voted to pay all non-certified staff for their regular hours during the state-mandated school closure due to the coronavirus.
Also at this month's meeting, the North Clay board:
--accepted the resignation of Angie Stanfield as head high school girls basketball coach
--accepted the resignation of Stacey Blair as high school cheer coach
--hired Larry Barbee and Chris Rush as substitute bus drivers
--hired Brooke Bayles as high school head volleyball coach
--hired Rendell Flood as junior high head boys baseball coach
--hired all coaching staff for next school year
--accepted the resignation of Amanda Clark as 4th grade teacher as of the end of this school year
North Clay board members also authorized adoption of an English/Language Arts curriculum for the coming school year as recommended by the Administration; discussed the food service management and bid process; approved membership in the IHSA for next school year; approved a request from Bryan West to attend the IAPT Conference in Springfield in June; awarded the mowing bid to Wattles Lawn and Land Services; tabled action on next year's school calendar; awarded a bid to South Central FS to contract diesel fuel; and discussed student handbook and athletic handbook changes for the next school year, but took no action.