Altamont City Council Votes Against Adult Use Cannabis Sales
Published on January 15 2020 11:10 am
Last Updated on January 15 2020 2:25 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Altamont City Council has voted 3-2 against allowing the sale of adult-use cannabis in the community.
While adult-use sales are now legal in Illinois, individual communities can opt out of allowing sales.
The vote saw Altamont Commissioners Dan Milleville, Mike Walker and Todd Slingerland vote against allowing sales, and Commissioner Tayler Polk and Mayor Jason Rippetoe vote in favor of sales.
The Altamont Council also discussed water rates. One option considered was lowering the minimum usage before a higher rate would kick in. Currently, the minimum rate is in effect for up to 1,000 gallons of water used per month. The option would make the minimum rate in effect for up to 750 gallons of water used per month.
Estimates are that the additional revenue could approach $30,000 a year. The additional revenue would go for infrastructure projects.
There was no decision on the issue at this week's meeting.