Shimkus Absent for House Impeachment Votes
Published on December 18 2019 1:56 pm
Last Updated on December 18 2019 4:58 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Local Congressman John Shimkus was not present in Washington Wednesday for the impeachment votes in the US House.
Shimkus said he and wife Karen made arrangements "long before today's votes were scheduled" to visit their son Joshua in Tanzania where he's serving in the Peace Corps.
Shimkus told President Trump last week that he would not be present for the votes. He also told the president he did not support Trump's impeachment.
Here is Shimkus' statement regarding the issue:
“I’ve been to Ukraine twice this year. I was an observer of the second round of the Presidential election on April 21, 2019. I returned with a bipartisan Congressional delegation from September 28 thru October 5, 2019 right in the middle of this supposed controversy.
“We met with many people. We met with our embassy leadership. We also met with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister and Minister of Defense. We had a chance to visit our soldiers who are helping in the training mission of the Ukrainian military. During that time, we met with the military leadership of both countries. Finally, we met with members of the Ukrainian parliament. During all these meeting no one mentioned a quid pro quo.
“What I also know is this: The Trump Administration provided the long-overdue aid to Ukraine, including lethal Javelin anti-tank missiles, that had been authorized by Congress but withheld by the previous administration in their misguided efforts to appease Russia. Other assistance to Ukraine was temporarily delayed this year following the election of a new president — a political outsider we knew little about.
“The new president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, also addressed this issue several times. He has rejected the accusation that any quid pro quo or any pressure was applied to him or the Ukrainian government. The aid was also released prior to the Ukrainian government being pulled into this political controversy. These observations convince me that the first article of impeachment, 'abuse of power,' is not credible.
“My experience in Congress, including during the impeachment of President Clinton, likewise convinces me the second article of impeachment, 'obstruction of congress,' is not a credible charge.
“Constant tension exists between our legislative and executive branches of government. Every president I’ve served with has said at one time or another he is empowered to do this or to withhold that. When Congress disagrees, we have at times taken those questions of executive authority or privilege to our third branch of government: the courts. But the Democrats haven't even given President Trump an opportunity to defend his executive privilege through the courts, and they're demanding that he just give up his constitutional powers under Article II.
“I’m disappointed to miss these votes but not embarrassed. I’m embarrassed that they are even happening.”