One Taken for Treatment After Crash Near Green Creek Rest Area
Published on November 12 2019 2:51 pm
Last Updated on November 12 2019 2:51 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
One person was taken for treatment after vehicles collided north of Effingham on I-57 near the Green Creek Rest Area Tuesday morning.
67-year-old Ronald Serbin of Seminole, Florida was injured when his car collided with a semi. Illinois State Police report Serbin was entering I-57 Southbound from the rest area just before 10am. The entrance ramp was covered with ice. Serbin lost control of his car, which spun out of control and ended up facing northbound in the southbound lanes. Serbin's car was struck head-on by the semi driven by 31-year-old Abdisamed Hassan of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Both vehicles came to rest in the driving lane of southbound I-57.
Serbin was transported for treatment to HSHS St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital in Effingham. Hassan refused treatment at the scene.
Serbin was cited for driving too fast for conditions.