Effingham County Seeking RFPs for Elevator Project
Published on October 23 2019 2:19 pm
Last Updated on October 23 2019 2:19 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham County has chosen to issue a Request for Proposal to seek a company to provide modernization of an existing 34-year-old elevator in the Effingham County Office Building.
The elevator is a single-stage hydraulic unit designed to operate at 120 feet per minute. It serves five floors (basement and four floors) and makes five stops. The elevator is rated at 2,000 pounds and travels approximately 43 feet. The elevator jack was replaced in 2019 and is plumb/true. The elevator currently operates properly.
The Request for Proposal can be viewed and downloaded by visiting the Effingham County website at www.co.effingham.il.us or by contacting Paul Kuhns at the Sheriff's Office at 217-342-2101 or by email at chiefkuhns@co.effingham.il.us. A site visit is required before a bid can be submitted.
All bids are due at the Sheriff's Office by 3pm on December 19, 2019. The Effingham County Board reserves the right to consider or reject any and all quotes or proposals.