Teutopolis School Board Sets Meeting to Discuss Phase II for October 24
Published on October 22 2019 4:41 pm
Last Updated on October 22 2019 4:41 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Teutopolis school board members Monday set a special meeting to consider Phase II work on the Teutopolis High School building.
The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 24.
The Board Monday discussed the current high school construction project, approved classroom furniture for the new addition project, changed the bid opening date for Phase II to 2pm on the 24th, approved a change order for the high school new addition construction project for just over $9,200 to add necessary wiring for a high school technology classroom, and scheduled the special board meeting date regarding bids for Phase II for October 24. The Board also tabled a motion to discuss the financing and bond process for the Phase II project until the October 24 special board meeting.
Teutopolis board members also approved a waiver application to allow the district to charge less than 110% of the per capita tuition charge for non-resident children of fulltime Teutopolis school district employees; approved Interim Superintendent Deb Philpot as the district's Freedom of Information Officer; appointed Sarah Nelson as District Treasurer retroactive to August 31; and voted to move the date for the Board's regular November meeting to Tuesday, November 19, at 6pm.
The Board discussed a maintenance director's position; reviewed the timeline to post the district superintendent's vacancy for the 2020-2021 school year; accepted the resignation of Tom Bauserman as Tech Support Specialist retroactive to October 4; and accepted Vince Heuerman's resignation as district maintenance director effective May 30, 2020. The Board hired Zach Repking as junior high boys assistant basketball coach; and approved Chris Ungrund as a volunteer assistant coach for high school boys basketball for this school year.