Work Awarded on New Fire Station Location
Published on September 3 2019 5:57 pm
Last Updated on September 3 2019 11:16 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham City Council members Tuesday awarded work to renovate the new home of City Fire Station #2.
The location on Jaycee Avenue will replace the current station on South Banker Street. Grunloh Builders was awarded the project for $782,400. That amount is over the estimated cost of the project, but Director of Public Works Jeremy Heuerman and City Administrator Steve Miller explained that the City is in the midst of an overall project to upgrade all public facilities, and the others have come in well under bid, allowing for the higher price on the fire station project.
Heuerman reported that work on Jefferson Avenue downtown is moving ahead and should be completed by the middle of October. He said the first outdoor cafe that is part of the project, located at Effing Brew, is open with more at other locations to follow.
Council members voted to deny a proposed rezoning of land owned by Billy and Florence Genaust along Airport Road to residential due to its proximity to the airport.
The Council also approved the promotion of city engineering department staff member Greg Koester to City Planner. Koester, a longtime City employee, has already worked in planning and as subdivision co-ordinator.
It was also reported that bids will be opened on September 10th for the reconstruction of Second Street from Fayette to National Avenues. There was also discussion of a professional services agreement with Farnsworth Group for water main replacement work in Rollin Hills Subdivision. Heuerman said that work would be followed by storm sewer improvements and then possibly improvements to the curbing and street surfaces.