North Clay Schools Pursuing Pride
Published on August 23 2019 5:15 pm
Last Updated on August 23 2019 5:15 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Specifically, PRIDE; an acronym that stands for P=Preparedness, R=Respect, I=Integrity, D=Determination, and E=Excellence. Both the grade school and the high school buildings are focused on how North Clay students can show PRIDE in everything they do.
Board members learned the North Clay district is now on Twitter. Keep up on the latest news and happenings around North Clay by following @CUSD25, @KeithPrice_NCHS and @AronSpicer_NCGS.
The North Clay board approved a tentative fiscal year budget, adoption of the budget expected at the September meeting.
In personnel moves, the Board hired Ashli Voelker as assistant high school volleyball coach and head junior high volleyball coach, hired Lacey Sowers as elementary/junior high paraprofessional, hired Roy Taylor as district Athletic Director, hired Leslie Colclasure as Pre-K parent educator, hired Allen Lucas as fulltime bus driver (rather than a sub driver), and hired Sarah Wendt as substitute driver.