Injury Crash Early Friday in Jasper County
Published on August 23 2019 4:28 pm
Last Updated on August 23 2019 4:28 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
State police report the crash occurred at 2:22am on 400th Avenue, west of 2125th Street. A pickup truck driven by 24-year-old Payton Stifle of Robinson was eastbound at what authorities termed a high rate of speed. The pickup struck a steep slope, skidded out of control, and ran off the roadway. The pickup then overturned several times into a line of trees. The vehicle came to final rest in the tree line, overturned on its driver's side.
Stifle and passenger 22-year-old Blake Bell of Oblong were injured and were transported to Carle Richland Memorial Hospital in Olney.
Stifle was cited for DUI Alcohol and failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident.