Coaching Slots, Other Personnel Matters Handled by St. Elmo Board
Published on June 24 2019 9:18 am
Last Updated on June 24 2019 9:18 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Board approved a leave of absence from Amelia Garrard for the coming school year; accepted a letter of resignation from Michele Seabaugh as junior high girls softball assistant coach and named Erick Somodi to fill the vacancy; accepted a letter of resignation from Candy Kneller as junior high girls volleyball assistant coach; accepted a letter of resignation from Cathy Loy as high school Student Council sponsor; employed Laura Somodi as temporary elementary music teacher; named Michael Pasley as 8th grade boys basketball coach; employed Zeke Asher as 7th grade boys basketball coach; approved salaries for bookkeeper, treasurer and maintenance supervisor; named Elise Asher junior high volleyball head coach and Brittani Durbin junior high volleyball assistant coach; and also hired Durbin as junior high Math teacher and high school Student Council sponsor.
The Board also approved the amended 2019-2020 school calendar, and approved the county school facility sales tax funds distribution agreement.