Infrastructure Work Dominates City Council Agenda
Published on May 22 2019 10:01 am
Last Updated on May 23 2019 7:19 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham City Council members dealt with a number of infrastructure projects Tuesday night.
The Council accepted a proposal for $209,719.52 for pavement preservation work. City Director of Public Works Jeremy Heuerman explained at a recent meeting that this is an effort to keep relatively new roadways in good shape for a longer period of time.
Council members also approved $36,000 in gutter replacement work around town, as well as $113,000 in oil and chip materials, and $53,000 in hot and cold mix materials.
Also approved was an agreement for $132,000 in sewer smoke testing in the city, and two agreements for communication equipment at the water treatment plant and the waste water treatment plant, each for not more than $10,000. The activity at the plants can be monitored remotely with the communications equipment.
The Council voted to purchase a Christmas light display for $26,000, and approved a plat of Eastland Apartments Subdivision, which is the site of six eight-unit apartment buildings off South 2nd Street.
In other business, the Council recognized new firefighter Ben Siemer and new paid-on-call firefighters Aaron Mason and Tyler Veatch, and recognized Operations Manager Chris Huelsbusch as the City Employee of the Quarter.
Council members amended the Municipal Code regarding free standing signs in various zoning designations; rezoned land on the southwest corner of West Fayette Avenue and Outer Belt West to highway commercial zoning; and rezoned land at 309 South Second to multiple dwelling district for the Eastland Apartments project.
The Council contracted with Farnsworth Group for construction engineering services on the Jefferson Avenue reconstruction project downtown for not more than $9,950; and contracted with Civil Design for design work on the renovation of the former Apria Health Care building at 500 West Jaycee Avenue into City Fire Station #2 for not more than $74,500.
Council members appointed Brad Meinhart and Rob Macklin to new terms on the City Plan Commission and Mike Mumm and Kurt Buehnerkemper to new terms on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Additionally, former City Council member Alan Harris was named to fill out of the terms of new Council member Libby Moeller on both the Plan Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Also approved was the appointment of Jared Chesnut and Amanda Emmerich to new terms on the Effingham Public Library Board, named City Administrator Steve Miller to a term on the library board, and named Jennifer Wilson to fill the unexpired term of Emily Gravenhorst on the library board.
The Council discussed amending the charges for fire and related services offered to vehicles outside the city limits, discussed quotes on lab work related to the water treatment plant, discussed a request from Effingham Noon Rotary for $15,000 toward the cost of the 4th of July fireworks display, discussed the purchase of four additional Christmas light displays at a cost of $34,000, and discussed the June 11 bid lettings on expanding the street and sewer maintenance building on East Jefferson Avenue and on this year's pavement marking program.