North Clay School Board Chooses New Officers
Published on April 18 2019 5:07 pm
Last Updated on April 18 2019 5:08 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
North Clay school board members Wednesday reorganized in the wake of the board election earlier this month.
The Board swore new members Ryan Ballard, Jason Griffy, Aaron Kincaid and Kimberly Smith to their terms in office. The Board also recognized departing board members Chris Bible, Jenny McKinney, Tony Smith and Debra Wilbanks for their service.
New board officers were elected, including Barry Adair as board president, Jonathan Carroll as vice president, and Kimberly Smith as board secretary.
The Board approved student handbook changes for the high school and elementary/junior high buildings, and scheduled district registration date for the coming school year on Tuesday, July 16 from 9am to 7pm.
Also at Louisville: the Board hired Hollie Jones as paraprofessional effective April 8; approved Jon VanDyke as volunteer FFA sponsor; accepted the resignation of Toby Ault as custodian and retained him as substitute custodian; accepted the resignation of Grace Major as high school freshman class sponsor; and rehired all certified staff, all non-certified staff, and all coaching staff for the coming school year.