City Council Hears About Job Growth at Continental Mills
Published on April 3 2019 11:08 am
Last Updated on April 3 2019 11:08 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Plant Manager Mike Churchill was on hand with City Economic Development Director Todd Hull to discuss plans to add a shift at the plant. Between 16 and 20 jobs could be created. Hull suggested the Council consider a job creation grant of $2,000 per job up to a maximum grant of $40,000. Churchill said ideally he'd like to have the added shift in place in June.
The Council briefly discussed the proposed City budget for the fiscal year that begins May 1. The budget totals $91,275,768, and City Administrator Steve Miller said all funds are balanced. The Council also discussed finalizing a five-year capital improvement plan.
City Engineer Jeremy Heuerman reported that bids will be opened on April 16 on a relocation of a sanitary sewer along 2nd Street near Fayette Avenue, and Miller reported that an IDOT grant should be forthcoming to continue a study regarding a fourth interstate interchange at Effingham. This interchange would be south of Effingham. Miller hopes the study will be completed this summer.
In other business, the Council reimbursed The Alliance $6,420.91 to cover the cost of a trip to Germany concerning economic development, and awarded audit work for the past fiscal year to West and Company.
The Council also heard that the 5th District Appellate Court overturned a local circuit court ruling concerning the City's practice of charging for services provided outside the city to those who live outside the city, particularly along the interstate. The City has charged for the services for several years, but an insurance company filed suit against the practice and the local court upheld the complaint. The matter was appealed, though, and the Appellate Court has directed the circuit court to reverse its earlier ruling.