South Central School Board Finalizes Items for End of Year
Published on March 21 2019 4:35 pm
Last Updated on March 21 2019 4:35 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Board hired Glass and Shuffett as district auditor for the coming year, approved the normal donations to use local ballparks including Lions Field, Webster Field and the Farina ball park.
Superintendent Kerry Herdes presented information on the recent National School Lunch Program and Health/Life Safety projects that would need to occur in the near future, and reported that registration dates will be August 5 and 6.
The Board heard an update on a policy in place so the District cold provide Narcan in case of an emergency, and that allows training on its use. District staff will be trained on its use in the near future and it will be provided by an agency for use.
The District granted tenure to Brittany Garrett and Angie RInkel effective at the close of the school year, approved a Family and Medical Leave Act leave for Alan Linder, accepted a resignation from Bre Milano as middle school cheer coach at the close of the school year, accepted a letter of resignation from Rachel Kincaid as of the close of the school year, appointed Ted Kerner as head softball coach at both the middle school and the high school for the coming school year, and approved Erin Engel as a volunteer assistant track coach at the middle school for this school year.