Teutopolis Village Board Meets
Published on March 7 2019 9:23 am
Last Updated on March 7 2019 9:24 am
Written by Matt Robinson
The Teutopolis Village Board met Wednesday night and approved final payment to Connor and Connor Engineers for infrastructure design work on Prairie View Subdivision. The board also passed an ordinance to release the reverter on Lot 40 as construction now complete.
Accessory buildings size and height was discussed and the board has tentatively approved sizes on larger acreage but there were some questions that needed to have the attorneys advice before proceeding further.
Discussion of the village hall construction project was tabled as Greg Hess is looking into grants for assistance with constuction of the building. Unit 50’s TIF application was also tabled until the board can be provided with additional information.
There were two building permits issued in February.