Jobless Rates Up from Year Ago
Published on January 28 2019 2:15 pm
Last Updated on January 28 2019 2:15 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Effingham County unemployment rate in December was 4%, up from 3.4% in December 2017. Non-farm employment increased by 300 compared to last year, but more people were in the labor market.
Employment gains were posted in Leisure and Hospitality (+100) and Government (+100). Employment in Professional and Business Services declined slightly.
Area counties' unemployment rates: Coles--4.8%, up from 4%; Cumberland--4.4%, up from 3.4%; Shelby--5%, up from 4.2%; Clay--5.8%, up from 4.9%; Fayette--6.4%, up from 5.1%; and Jasper--5.2%, up from 4.4% one year earlier.
Area employers advertised for 2,000 positions in December and approximately 78% sought full-time employment.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security said employers need more workers than the help wanted advertising indicates because some industries, such as Construction, typically do not post advertised job openings.