Dieterich School Board Raises Athletic Officials' Pay
Published on January 15 2019 10:28 am
Last Updated on January 15 2019 10:28 am
Written by Greg Sapp
High School Principal Scott Kocher and Athletic Director Donetta Ohnesorge researched the rate of pay for officials in the area and found that the District was under the average. They then revised the pay schedule to reflect an increase across the board to bring the District more in line with area schools.
The Board hired Dennis Bueker as a fulltime custodian, hired Keyera Tolch as a part-time student worker, approved Nicole Flood as a volunteer junior high volleyball coach, and approved a leave of absence for a week in March for Cris Bierman.
The Dieterich board renewed its membership in the Effingham County Chamber of Commerce, and renewed and approved the District's bullying policy. The Board also reviewed and approved the 2019 Financial Profile Designation from the Illinois State Board of Education. The District received a 4 out of 4, a perfect score. The rating considers factors such as expenditures to revenue ratios, fund balances and debt amounts.
The Board also approved a proposal from SDS for financial software and support.