Cowden-Herrick Board Acts on Personnel, Other Items
Published on December 17 2018 2:49 pm
Last Updated on December 17 2018 2:49 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Superintendent Seth Schuler reported that IDOT approved in-town bus transportation for students residing east of Illinois Route 128 since they would have to cross the highway to get to school. Schuler also reported that Upchurch and Associates Architects reported that further investigation is needed on power upgrades to the Herrick Grade School and Cowden High School buildings to accommodate air conditioning; and that he is still researching district health and life safety projects.
The Board hired Madonna Shellenbarger as janitorial help during Christmas break, and approved increases in substitute pay rates effective in January for days worked in December; teacher sub pay $85.00/day, teacher aide sub pay $70.00/day, custodian sub pay of $11.00/hour, and cook sub pay of $9/hour.
Schuler reported that the accounting and payroll software programs will no longer be supported after July 1, 2020 so the District is supporting other options.
The Board accepted the resignation of Rita Altman as of the end of the first semester, hired Kimberlyn Youhas as PE/Health teacher, accepted an irrevocable letter of retirement from Gary Davis as of the end of June 2019, approved a maternity leave request from Shantel Parks as of Spring semester, approved a personal time off request from Lisa Steffen, and approved Bob Davis as 7th and 8th grade volunteer basketball coach.