Eckert Receives CEFS Outstanding Volunteer Award
Published on October 22 2018 10:40 am
Last Updated on October 22 2018 10:42 am
C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation recently recognized volunteers that helped the agency achieve its mission. According to C.E.F.S. Chief Executive Officer Kevin Bushur, “The agency recognized outstanding acts of volunteerism and civic involvement to help transform lives and to build stronger communities.”
For giving the gift of valuable time to help others, C.E.F.S. recognized Ed Eckert as a 2018 Outstanding Volunteer.
Ed Eckert is a volunteer for the C.E.F.S. Meals on Wheels Evening Meals Program on Tuesday evenings. He is the volunteer in charge of making sure all seniors in attendance receive their milk and congregate meal. Bushur said, "Ed enjoys helping with bingo at the nutrition site and donates fresh produce from his garden. Ed is an outstanding volunteer because he is very dedicated to the Meals on Wheels of C.E.F.S. Program. If Ed sees that someone needs help, he always jumps in to be that great volunteer and can be counted on to help with whatever is needed."
The Meals on Wheels of C.E.F.S. provides nutritionally balanced meals on a donation basis to people who are 60 years of age and older and their spouses.
C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation has been providing effective social services for over 53 years for low-income persons within their service delivery area. C.E.F.S. is a comprehensive human service provider in the service delivery area providing direct services, referrals and linkages to address the issues facing low-income residents and providing local community solutions to meet those needs. For more information about the community action agency or program please contact the local C.E.F.S. Effingham County Outreach Office at 217/347-7514, the central office at 217/342-2193 or the agency website at or the agency Facebook page at