South Central Board Puts Sales Tax Question on April Ballot
Published on October 18 2018 10:17 am
Last Updated on October 18 2018 10:17 am
Written by Greg Sapp
South Central school board members Wednesday voted to place a 1% sales tax question on the April election ballot.
All districts with territory in Fayette County are being asked to place the question on the ballot. The revenue generated by the tax would finance building improvements.
The Board approved the audit of the past fiscal year. Fred Becker of Glass and Shuffett CPAs said there were no negative findings. The District's financial score from the State Board of Education rose to 3.70 this year, from 3.45 the previous year, going to Recognition status from Review status.
Board members heard from high school Student Services Director Danielle Chasteen and School Counselor Lindsay Lash about meeting the needs of students in their respective buildings. Superintendent Kerry Herdes said the two are working with teachers, staff and administrators to address student needs.
The Board also approved an interfund loan to the Working Cash Fund to replenish the amount used to pay for construction on the recent Capital Development Board projects.
In personnel moves, the South Central board approved an irrevocable letter of retirement from Roseanne Harshbarger as of the 2022-23 school year; hired Billy Johnston as a high school custodian; granted a Family and Medical Leave to Melissa Gramlick; approved Danielle Chasteen as sophomore class sponsor and Stephanie Jones as high school yearbook sponsor; and approved Stephen Robb and Ean Fox as volunteer assistants for high school boys basketball.