Wendling Honored by CEFS for Outstanding Volunteerism
Published on October 12 2018 10:24 am
Last Updated on October 12 2018 10:24 am
Written by Greg Sapp
C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation recently recognized volunteers that helped the agency achieve its mission. According to C.E.F.S. Chief Executive Officer Kevin Bushur, “The agency recognized outstanding acts of volunteerism and civic involvement to help transform lives and to build stronger communities.”
For giving the gift of valuable time to help others, C.E.F.S. recognized Bill Wendling as a 2018 Outstanding Volunteer. Bushur commented, “The agency and program accomplishments would not have been attained without the shared commitment, dedication and involvement of our outstanding volunteers.” Bushur continued, “It was a privilege to honor Bill Wendling with the 2018 outstanding volunteer award recognition.”
For over 25 years, seniors in the Altamont area have benefitted from Bill Wendling’s volunteer spirit. With his dedicated service to delivering meals for the Meals on Wheels of C.E.F.S. Program, Bill brings a warm meal and cheer to the homes of those he serves. Bill not only delivers meals, he helps out in any capacity needed at the Altamont Nutrition Site.
The Meals on Wheels of C.E.F.S. provides nutritionally balanced meals on a donation basis to people who are 60 years of age and older and their spouses. There are no income guidelines or any restrictions besides the age limit. Educational, informational and social activities are available in addition to nutrition. Meals are served on a reservation basis. Meals on Wheels of C.E.F.S. operates eighteen sites in the five counties of Clay, Effingham, Fayette, Christian and Montgomery. The program is funded through the Administration on Aging including Title III funding through the Area Agencies on Aging (Midland Area Agency on Aging), local United Way agencies and participant contributions. There are two components to our Meals on Wheels of C.E.F.S.: congregate meals where seniors share a nutritious meal and enjoy activities and fellowship at a nutrition site and home delivered meals where meals are delivered to homebound seniors. A nutritious meal along with a daily check are benefits of home delivered meals.
The mission of C.E.F.S. is to provide opportunities for people through education and support to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency. The programs and services offered through C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation make a real difference in the lives of residents of the community. Bushur stated, “Nearly 3,500 volunteers provided nearly 154,000 volunteer hours working very hard this year to help the agency achieve coordinated efforts to truly benefit low-income people.”
C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation has been providing effective social services for over 53 years for low-income persons within their service delivery area. C.E.F.S. is a comprehensive human service provider in the service delivery area providing direct services, referrals and linkages to address the issues facing low-income residents and providing local community solutions to meet those needs. For more information about the community action agency or program please contact the local C.E.F.S. Effingham County Outreach Office at 217/347-7514, the central office at 217/342-2193 or the agency website at www.cefseoc.org or the agency Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cefseoc.