South Central Board Receives Final State Payment on Construction Project
Published on September 20 2018 10:12 am
Last Updated on September 20 2018 10:12 am
Written by Greg Sapp
A project isn't really complete until the last bill is paid.
That means the renovation project in South Central schools is now complete.
Superintendent Kerry Herdes told the South Central school board Wednesday night that the district has received the final Capital Development Board payment. The payment of $879,000 enabled the District to pay back monies borrowed from the Education Fund and the Working Cash Fund to cover project costs.
South Central in the past decade has completed major renovations or additions to both the grade school building in Kinmundy and the high school building in Farina.
Also financially speaking, Herdes told the Board that the District finished the fiscal year with an ending balance in the black of $72,000.
Several personnel matters were addressed at the meeting. A letter of resignation was accepted from Jeremy Mulvaney as a support staff member, and leaves of absence were approved from Tracy Hulsey, Christy Uphold and Denise Webb. The Board also hired Karrie Sexton as a bus aide and Crystal Russell as a teacher's aide at the elementary building.
Coaching positions were filled, including Ethan Maxey as middle school boys basketball coach, Haylee Neilson as middle school girls basketball coach, Breanne Swartzlander as high school girls basketball coach, and Bre Milano as middle school cheer coach. Approved as volunteer coaches were Brandon Swartzlander for high school girls basketball, Larry Maxey for middle school basketball, and Abigail Taylor for high school girls basketball.
Board members heard a report on Fayette County discussing enactment of a 1% sales tax and how revenue could be used; approved a single audit with Glass and Shuffett; approved the hazardous conditions letter for the school year to qualify for state funding on certain bus routes; approved a resolution regarding OKAW and vocational education; approved district salary reports for the past fiscal year; and approved various field trip requests.