Barry Wolfe Sentenced to 60 Years
Published on August 11 2018 7:01 am
Last Updated on August 11 2018 7:01 am
Written by Matt Robinson
Former area girls AAU Basketball coach Barry Wolfe recieved the maximum, a total of 60 years in prison, in a sentence handed down Friday by Coles County Circuit Judge Brien O' Brien.
Three of Wolfe's former players told their stories during the hearing on Friday before Judge O'Brien called Wolfe's actions "horrific", "despicable", and "inexcusable" when handing down the sentence to Wolfe for the crimes which he pleaded guilty to in June.
Wolfe admitted to sex acts with his players when he ran the AAU program and coached the girls who were in their early to mid teens.
Wolfe will be required to serve at least 85 percent of his sentence, with no prison system reductions possible, before he's eligible for parole. He has been jailed since his arrest in October of 2017 and was given credit for his time in custody since then.