June Numbers at Workman Complex Better than Expected
Published on July 12 2018 1:47 pm
Last Updated on July 12 2018 1:47 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Enrollment numbers at the Richard E. Workman Sports and Wellness Complex were down in June, but not as much as General Manager Jake Junghanel expected.
Junghanel told the Effingham Park Board Wednesday that the late opening of the Kluthe Memorial Pool was likely one reason, meaning people utilized the pools at the Workman Complex. He said the desire to get outside was the big factor in the decline in enrollment.
There was some discussion of a swim meet scheduled August 4 at the Workman Complex, since one of the participating teams has a transgender member. The District has no policy regarding accommodating transgender individuals. The matter will likely be discussed further at the Board's August meeting to get a policy in place.
Park Board members annexed Marguerite Lane near Lake Pauline into the park district limits, as the parcel was also annexed into the City. The Board also passed the appropriations ordinance for the new fiscal year. Park District officials say the total appropriation is "very, very similar" to last year's measure.