Stew-Stras Board Acts on Several Teaching, Coaching Positions
Published on July 3 2018 11:01 am
Last Updated on July 3 2018 11:01 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Stewardson-Strasburg Board of Education has acted on a number of teaching and coaching positions.
The Board hired Emma Baker as an elementary teacher and hired Katherine Herder as a K-12 Music teacher
Baker was also named junior high track head coach and assistant junior high basketball coach. Cody McCollum was named 5th and 6th grade boys basketball coach, Brittany Tabbert as head junior high volleyball coach, Jaden Widdersheim as head junior high boys basketball coach, Shane Smith as assistant junior high boys basketball coach and assistant junior high baseball coach, Aaron Blythe as assistant Windsor/Stew-Stras high school track coach, and Randy Swartz as assistant Windsor/Stew-Stras high school boys basketball coach.
The Board also accepted resignations from Jamie Brown as junior high volleyball head coach, Jacob Haegan as junior high track coach, Angie Little as junior high girl's assistant basketball coach and Emily Boehm as elementary teacher. Olivia Telgmann was approved as a volunteer dance coach. The Board also approved non-certified staff wages for the coming school year. Superintendent Michelle Lindenmeyer said all non-certified staff members got a raise.
Board members were updated on tuckpointing work on the west side of the high school building that will start this month, as well as plans to replace doors in one area of the main gym and in the tech room.
There was also discussion about student transportation in light of a crash in recent weeks involving students headed for a school-related event. Lindenmeyer said students transport themselves to CEO, to Health Occs, to Early Bird classes, and the Board wanted to discuss ways to make those trips as safe as possible.
The Board also approved an amended budget for the current school year.