Cowden-Herrick School Board Meeting for June
Published on June 15 2018 3:08 pm
Last Updated on June 15 2018 3:08 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Cowden-Herrick school board members acted on a series of matters at Thursday's meeting.
The Board was updated by Superintendent Darrell Gordon on fiber optic service, and heard from Rick Allen on joining the CHBC Sports Co-Op. The Board approved an amended budget for the current fiscal year.
Board members awarded roof repair work on the Herrick gym for $16,800; authorized Gordon to seek bids on various commodities; approved a prevailing wage rate for contracted work done in Shelby County; and agreed to offer students the option of student insurance through Nationwide for the coming school year with the students paying for the coverage.
In personnel moves, the Cowden-Herrick Board accepted the resignation of Steve Evans as 5th and 6th grade basketball coach; accepted the resignation of Jackie Mette as National Honor Society sponsor; hired Donovan Riley as K-12 PE teacher for the coming school year; hired Jaclyn Golding as K-12 Art teacher for the coming school year; hired Jessica Roadarmel as an elementary teacher for the coming school year; hired Emily Boehm as an elementary teacher for the coming school year; accepted the resignation of Andrew Noble as junior high boys basketball coach; and authorized the superintendent to post these positions as open: 5th and 6th grade basketball coach, National Honor Society sponsor, and junior high boys basketball coach.
The Board also approved a leave of absence for Casey Burrus in September; approved a 2.5% raise for bookkeeper/transportation director for each of the coming three years; agreed to give Kristen Berner an $865 lump sum in back pay for her master's degree pending a signed memorandum stating a final agreement; and agreed to move Lisa Buchanan to the proper step on the pay scale beginning with the coming school year pending a signed memorandum with no back pay and stating a final agreement.