Effingham County Board to Vote on Sanctuary for the Unborn Resolution Monday
Published on June 14 2018 5:29 pm
Last Updated on June 14 2018 5:29 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Effingham County Board is to vote Monday on a resolution declaring the county a "sanctuary for the unborn".
The Board's Legislative Committee, which involves all county board members meeting as a committee of the whole, voted 8-1 Monday in favor of moving the resolution on for consideration at the Board's meeting on June 16.
Board Chairman Jim Niemann authored the measure. Niemann said after the Board passed its Second Amendment resolution declaring the county a sanctuary against gun laws perceived as unconstitutional, his thoughts turned to life issues. He said he's been pro-life his whole life. He wondered about a resolution on behalf of the unborn. He said the more he researched the issue, the more compelling it became. The measure supports the belief that life begins at conception. He said there is a difference of opinion on the issue, but if there's reasonable doubt, the county, if the measure passes, is going to err on the side of life.
When asked for an example of when the resolution could come into play, Niemann admitted he couldn't think of one, but is hopeful the measure would let everyone know where the Board stands on the issue.