Principal Phillips Departs South Central for Mulberry Grove
Published on May 4 2018 10:59 am
Last Updated on May 4 2018 11:00 am
South Central High School Principal Stephen Phillips has resigned to become Superintendent at the Mulberry Grove School District.
Phillips has been principal the past six years and was a teacher at South Central Middle School for 10 years before that. He's looking forward to his new position and feels it is a great fit because of his rural background. At the same time, Phillips has mixed emotions because of all the relationships he has formed with the students, staff and board members.
Phillips says there are a couple of highlights from his tenure that stand out.
"Probably one of the big highlights of being principal is the new building that we just finished earlier this year. Got to see it completed. Kids and faculty are doing great in it and love it and have taken it on themselves as their own."
Phillips is also proud of a designation earned by South Central High School.
"Being named to US News and World Report as one of the best high schools in their awards the bronze level I think that was the highlight for us because that's just the people that are here. That's the faculty that I've worked with and that's just an honor to them and to the students on how well they've done."
Phillips is a Salem Community High School graduate who began his teaching career at Opdyke Belle Rive and Sandoval before moving to South Central.
South Central Superintendent Kerry Herdes says the board formally accepted Phillips resignation at a special board meeting this week. He reports the position has been posted internally until the May 16th board meeting. At that time, the board could act on naming a new principal or further open the application process.
Herdes says Phillips has done a good job and they wish him the best at Mulberry Grove.