City Council Moves Ahead w/Infrastructure Projects
Published on May 1 2018 7:17 pm
Last Updated on May 1 2018 7:17 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham City Council members Tuesday acted on several projects related to infrastructure improvements.
The Council accepted a proposal from Civil Design for design of the reconstruction of Second Street from Jefferson to Fayette Avenues. The street runs along the east side of City Hall and the Police Station now under construction. The preliminary engineering work by Civil Design is to cost $26,500.
The Council awarded a bid for reconstruction of the downtown parking lot at 4th and Jefferson to J.B. Esker and Sons for $50,628.83.
A proposal was also accepted for reconstruction of Vulcan Drive in the area south of Dairy Queen and behind the DAV Home to Kieffer Brothers Construction of Mt. Carmel for $199,842.
Council members also purchased property for the upcoming Henrietta Street reconstruction and for a sewer lift station and force main along Airport Road.
The Council added SMART Software to the City's litter abatement program. The business will patrol Avenue of Mid-America from Keller Drive to Ford Avenue. Also approved was Civil Design, who will clean up Charlotte Street from Rickelman Avenue to Ford Avenue.
Council members declared the structure at 1606 South 4th Street as dangerous and unsafe, which will allow the City to take steps to get the property cleaned up or cleared. The Council authorized an agreement with Target Solutions for online training for the fire department, and renewed the City's health insurance plans at an increase of 3.3% over last year, or about a $69,000 increase.
The Council reappointed Dave Storm, Brian Hayes and Jeff Staser to new three-year terms on the City Plan Commission, and appointed Amanda Emmerich to the Effingham Public Library Board to finish the final year of an unexpired term.
Council members were updated on fourth quarter activities of the City Tourism Department including this weekend's Artisan Fair and the 20th year of Sculpture on the Avenues. Tourism Director Jodi Thoele also updated the Council on other upcoming events including the Cruise Night set for May 18.