City Council Approves Balanced Budget
Published on April 17 2018 8:55 pm
Last Updated on April 17 2018 8:57 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham City Council members Tuesday approved a budget for the fiscal year that begins May 1. It's a balanced budget incorporating a 2% overall increase.
The Council approved a series of property purchases for installation of a sewage lift station and force main along Airport Road. Also approved was a grant of up to $31,000 to Arts Connection of Central Illinois for ticket purchase equipment for Effingham Performance Center, and an agreement with Charles A. Pierce for human resources consulting. Mayor Jeff Bloemker said Pierce was hired to look at the City's personnel policies to make sure the City is adhering to the policies
The Council okayed a Business Appreciation Award to Cancer Care Specialists. Drs. Dy and Saba were on hand to accept the award. May was proclaimed Building Safety Month and Building Official Michelle Wilkins assisted with the presentation.
Council members amended the Municipal Code regarding a special use permit for commercial recreational, amusement or campground development in a general commercial district, and amended the Municipal Code regarding drainage plans when major unpaved areas will become paved as part of an expansion project. The Council also amended the zoning for 302 South Granada Drive from R-1 single family residential to R-2 single family residential to allow placement of a relocatable home on the lot. There were no objectors present and the vote to approve was unanimous. Council members also approved a site plan amendment for a portion of Golden Fields Subdivision allowing for development of 11 single family homes on the lots rather than five duplexes as had originally been proposed.
The Council approved another five-year term on the Zoning Board of Appeals for Rob Macklin, approved a service agreement an emergency notification system for the city, approved a final plat for Roedl Subdivision, appointed Emily Gravenhorst, Matthew Greider and Rod Wiethop to new three-year terms on the Effingham Public Library board, and appointed Patty Greene, Sarah Rueter, Betsy Haynie, Katie Koester and Arpit Shah to three-year terms on the Effingham Public Library board.
Council members discussed accepting a proposal from Civil Design for reconstruction of Second Street from Jefferson to Fayette Avenues; discussed acceptance from Civil Design for a GIS database and online mapping portal; discussed renewing the City's group health insurance plan at a 3.3% premium increase; discussed authorizing an agreement with RJN Group for sanitary sewer investigations; and discussed reconstructing Vulcan Drive west from South Banker Street.
There was also discussion of the 2018 Artisan Fair May 4-5 and Sculpture on the Avenues 20th anniversary unveiling, and discussion of reconstructing the city parking lot downtown west of Scrubby's.