May 7th Next Date for Unit 40 Contract Talks
Published on April 13 2018 6:03 am
Last Updated on April 13 2018 6:03 am
Written by Greg Sapp
May 7th is the next date for contract talks between bargainers for the Effingham Unit 40 Board of Education and the Effingham Classroom Teachers Association.
Unit 40 Superintendent Mark Doan said, We want to work toward an agreement, and I'm glad we're meeting again; anytime we meet is good." Doan said the Board's negotiators made two proposals at this week's session with "significant movement on each one", but suggested there was no movement by ECTA. He said the Board's bargaining team was told they should expect a proposal from ECTA.
ECTA President Shannon Hall-Nannini disagreed that there was no movement by bargainers for the teachers. She said, "We wre able to reach agreement in some areas, but not in others." She said, "I feel like throughout the whole process there's been some movement."
Hall-Nannini said she feels both sides are still working to come up with a fair agreement.