Cowden-Herrick Board Acts on Coaching Assignments
Published on March 16 2018 4:13 pm
Last Updated on March 16 2018 4:13 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Cowden-Herrick school board members acted on coaching assignments at their regular monthly meeting.
The Board employed Katy Noble as high school girls volleyball coach, hired Angela Jeffries as junior high girls volleyball coach, employed Andy Nohren as high school boys and girls track coach, hired Jennifer Hopkins as junior high boys and girls track coach, employed Jeremy Rinkel as junior high cross country coach, hired Andy Nohren as high school cross country coach, employed Carolyn Wendte as high school girls basketball coach, hired Andrew Noble as junior high boys basketball coach, employed Steve Evans as 5th and 6th grade basketball coach, and hired Shelli Cotton as junior high cheerleading coach.
Board members also agreed to post for summer maintenance help, employed Loren "Gene" Wilson as bus driver, agreed to post for a bus aide position, and reinstated Jessica Bunch as a bus driver.
The Board also approved a 2018-19 school calendar with a start date of August 20; approved refinishing the high school gym floor through Allred's Floor Service for $2,546; renewed membership for next year in the IHSA; approved the resurfacing and repainting of the high school track by Midwest Track Builders for $55,000; and tabled remodeling of high school restrooms and locker rooms.