City Asked for $15,000 Contribution Toward 4th of July Fireworks
Published on March 6 2018 7:26 pm
Last Updated on March 7 2018 4:03 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Effingham City Council is being asked for the same contribution as last year toward the cost of this year's 4th of July fireworks display.
Effingham Noon Rotary Club Immediate Past President Amanda McKay asked the Council Tuesday for a $15,000 contribution to help pay for the display. The display is estimated to cost $21,500. Rotary will cover the balance by seeking contributions from the community.
Council members will decide later whether to contribute, and at what amount.
City Administrator Jim Arndt's third quarter fiscal report showed tourism revenue well ahead of expenditures, a marked change from recent years. Arndt noted that the balance will take a hit when the contribution to the Effingham Performance Center comes due, but he feels the account will finish the fiscal year in the black.
Arndt noted the balance is up in the sewer fund. He said the balance is being boosted in advance of a sewage treatment plant upgrade in a couple of years.
Arndt reminded Council members of a budget workshop at 5pm on March 20th at City Hall, just ahead of the next Council meeting. The new fiscal year begins May 1.
Council members enacted new water rates that will cover the next four years, with an increase each year rather than a one-time larger hike in an attempt to lessen the blow to water customers.
The Council Tuesday also:
--passed an ordinance regulating mobile food service establishments operating in the city
--established rates for wholesale water customers
--approved the annual agreement with Effingham County Soil and Water Conservation District for services provided the City
--rezoned property owned by Ralph and Martha White at 702 South Park Street from single-family residential to multi-family residential
--approved a plat of Hecht Subdivision involving a re-plat of land on Glenwood Drive, north of Temple Avenue
--approved an amended plat of Speedway Subdivision on their development on West Fayette Avenue
--discussed award of bids for chemicals used at the water treatment plant
--heard compliments from Commissioner Kevin Willis on openings at Gopher's Grill and Effing Brew Company in the downtown area
--met in closed session regarding both the possible sale or lease of property and the possible purchase or lease of property, with no open session action on either matter