Water Back to Normal at EHS, Working to Warm Up Section of EJHS
Published on January 16 2018 9:52 am
Last Updated on January 16 2018 10:03 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Water is back to normal at Effingham High School, and efforts are underway to warm up a portion of the junior high building.
The City did some water line replacement work along the high school building on US Route 40. It's the main line coming into town from the water treatment plant west of the city. When the work was finished and the water service turned back on at the high school, the plumbing could be used, but tests had to be done to make sure it was okay to drink. The test came back okay, so drinking water is available today for students back from the Dr. King holiday.
As to the heat, or lack of it at the junior high building, Unit 40 Superintendent Mark Doan said a heating unit in the 1960's portion of the building didn't come on. Doan said there is now heat being generated in that portion of the building, but officials were discussing moving some classes into warmer areas.
As of just after 10am, the second boiler is up and running, so things should be warmer soon.