ICCB Seeks Input on Strategic Plan
Published on January 3 2018 1:45 pm
Last Updated on January 3 2018 1:45 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) has scheduled opportunities for the public to provide feedback on the draft Illinois Adult Education Strategic Plan. This plan is being developed under Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 40, which created a Taskforce on the Future of Adult Education and Literacy that is charged with the development of a five-year Strategic Plan.
Individuals, groups, and/or organizations are welcome to attend one of the two informational meetings:
- January 10, 2018: 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn & Suites, 3202 East Empire Bloomington, IL
- January 12, 2018: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Moraine Valley Community College, Building M 900 West College Parkway Palos Hills, IL
There is no cost to attend, but online registration is required. Those wishing to attend may register by visiting the ICCB’s website (www.iccb.org) and clicking on the registration link. The informational meetings will discuss the process, vision, guiding principles, goals and objectives as well as next steps.
The same information will be presented at each session.
The draft plan will be released on the ICCB’s website no later than Monday, January 8, 2018. Individuals, groups and/or organizations are encouraged to submit written comments directly to the ICCB on the specifics of the plan. Comments will be accepted through Friday, January 12, 2018. Comments must be sent to nora.l.rossman@illinois.gov.
“Community input from past and present adult education students, educators and community leaders is essential to the development of an Illinois Adult Education Strategic Plan that challenges conventional thinking and long held beliefs,” said Dr. Karen Hunter Anderson, executive director of the ICCB and chair of the Task Force. “The Strategic Plan must demonstrate an understanding and respect for adult education programs and students and provide a roadmap that leads to better educational and employment opportunities.”
The Task Force will submit its strategic plan to the Governor and General Assembly by January 31, 2018. Those wanting more information may contact Jennifer Foster, Deputy Director for Adult Education and Workforce, at (217) 785-0171or Jennifer.Foster@illinois.gov.
The Illinois Community College Board is the state coordinating board for community colleges. Illinois is home to 48 community colleges in 39 districts and has the third largest community college system in the nation serving nearly 850,000 residents each year in credit and non-credit courses.