Strasburg Celebrates 2017 Successes
Published on December 14 2017 10:32 am
Last Updated on December 14 2017 10:33 am
Saturday was the day for The Holiday Stroll Thru Strasburg.
15 establishments, including local businesses, churches and the fire department participated with open houses.
A soup supper was also held at the Community Center followed by the annual Village Year End Recognition Celebration. The winner of the Best Decorated Christmas Tree was York Bin Co. Net proceeds from the event will be donated to the Stew-Stras Blessings in a Backpack program.
Drawing winners for visitors who participated in the Stroll were Dianna Gibson, $50 Cash; Robert Anderson, $25 Marathon Card; Gerry Weaver, $25 Marathon Card; Pastor Ducommon, decorated wooden sleigh; and Wilma Spannagel, wooden snowman.
A Recognition Celebration began with a Welcome from village mayor Ron Thomas. Strasburg Community Action Network (SCAN) President Justin Krile served as MC.
Thomas emphasized the vital role volunteers play in the community and how they organize and provide many events and activities for the residents. Service organizations recognized were the American Legion Post 289, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 289, Lions Club, Leo Club, SCAN, Fire Department, and the Lutheran Youth Fellowship.
Leaders from the groups recognized accomplishments and the work of their volunteers. Notable accomplishments and announcements included the following:
- The Leo Club is a Lions Club for high school students and has 35 members. Club President Tanner Clark, a senior at Stewardson-Strasburg High School, spoke about the club activities and noted that in doing the service projects in the community, he realized how much people care about Strasburg.
- Fire Chief Troy Agney indicated there was a need for younger volunteers to serve the department. If anyone is willing to assist, they can talk to any volunteer firefighters about getting started.
- Strasburg participated in Shelby County Main Street Makeover in the spring with over fifty volunteers who helped clean, landscape and do repair projects. New benches were also added to Commercial Street.
- The Community Foundation awarded grants in 2017 to the Village for the new Community Center parking lot, the American Legion Auxiliary for a new sound system, and Kessler’s 24 Hour Gym for work on some life/safety issues. The new highway signs featuring Strasburg gnomes were installed this year with funding from a prior grant. The annual giving campaign is now going on and anyone may donate to the Strasburg Foundation by going to, clicking on the “Donate Now” button and scrolling down to select “Strasburg Community Improvement Endowment”, a permanent fund, or “Strasburg Community Improvement Fund, a temporary projects fund.
- The 2018 Strasburg Foundation grant application period is from January 1-March 31. Any individual or group with a 62465 zip code may apply for a Strasburg Foundation grant to help with a community project.
- York Acres still has lots available for sale and another new home will be constructed in 2018. TIF incentives are available for building homes and for new businesses.
- The annual Strongman Contest continues to grow each year with record crowds attending in 2017. The competition is part of the Lions Club Homecoming in July.
- Among the entries of the Burn Out in the Burg Car Show in October were two rare Studebakers of which only fifty were manufactured.
- The Strasburg Community Center has a new permeable paver parking lot that was funded primarily with grants and donations. The new lighting, electrical outlets and attractive surface will benefit the summer farmers market and other outdoor events as well as providing a safer area for parking and walking. The permeable pavers will alleviate problems with standing water and help keep ice from forming on the surface.
- The 2017 Miss Strasburg Calla Roney and Junior Miss Alexis Agney were recognized along with the Strasburg Volunteers of the Year, Justin Krile and Jim Weiss.
Attendees were reminded of the S-S Area Seasoned Citizens December meeting and meal on Dec. 27, the annual Lions Club Trivia night on January 20 and the first quarterly SCAN meeting on January 30.