Shriner Toy Drive Is A Success
Published on December 4 2017 9:00 am
Last Updated on December 5 2017 10:20 am
Written by Millie Lange
Terry Trueblood, Vice President of the Heart Shrine Club, announced the Shriner Toy Drive was a huge success.
The Shriner Toy Drive was held because the warehouse in St. Louis filled with toys for Christmas for children, burned. The Heart Shrine Club is a part of that region, so they held a toy drive to replace all of the toys that were lost in that fire.
This was in conjunction with the Shumway Fire District, Stewardson and Tri-County. They collected $1,200 cash and completely filled a 16-foot trailer with toys. Also coming to assist were Shelby County and Vandalia Shrine clubs.
"We still have seven places around town to pick up toys" said Trueblood. "We want to express our thanks to the communities and fire districts. It's going to make a nice Christmas for a lot of children," said Trueblood. "The outreach across the region was outstanding."
RuralMed EMS at their Farina, Vandalia and Salem locations also collected toys, as did Milano and Grunloh in downtown Effingham.