Cowden-Herrick School Board Hears from Parent, Student
Published on November 15 2017 3:11 pm
Last Updated on November 15 2017 3:11 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Cowden-Herrick school board members heard from a parent and a student at this month's meeting.
The parent, Cherri Cedar, asked the Board to consider reinstatement of the 8th grade graduation and the 8th grade trip, but no decision was reached.
The student, Hunter Thompson, requested leniency with regard to using personal electronics at school, but no decision was reached.
The Board approved the honorable dismissal of bus driver Jessica Bunch, and adopted the tax levy for the fiscal year. Items to install a high school main exterior entrance door awning, a grade school main exterior door awning, and a grade school south exterior door awning were tabled, it was agreed to seek bids on the sale of two used school buses, and it was agreed to continue housing the Cowden Dry Point and Herrick Township libraries as the school district since 1980. It was also agreed to approve contracted speech services from MAPS at a rate of $30/hour.